Kicking off Street Fair Season!

Aw, the season of street fairs! Definitely one of my favorite times of the year. There’s nothing better than adventuring around the city and stumbling upon a street faire full of delicious food and street vendors. Lucky for city dwellers, there’s one happening around Manhattan every weekend

Of course there is that ONE street fair that stands out above the rest in my mind. The 9th Avenue Food Festival! This year we didn’t get as lucky as previous years with the weather, but there was still lots of delicious eats to enjoy. 

One of my favorite stands was Lizzmonade, I’m convinced there isn’t better lemonade. Their website says, “we promise, you won’t want lemonade any other way” and they’re absolutely right.  This year, I opted for a strawberry lemonade with mint and it was fabulous! Their stand is pretty cool too because you get to watch them make it right there in front of you, hand-shaken and all! I’m all about the thick straws with a nice mix of fruit chunks too. Mmm, mmm it was a great way to kick off my drink choice of the festival!

Then I was onto my biggest draw. The BLOOMING ONION!!! The true reason this food festival is my favorite of the year. As of now, this is the one and only street fair that has them and I simply can’t get enough of their fried heavenly goodness and its horseradish dipping sauce. Nothing can really compare to one fresh out of the fryer.. And don’t worry.. I shared with my friends! ;-)

My last eat of the day came from an ice cream truck called Coolhaus. I’ve heard a lot about the adventurous flavors they offer, but hadn’t had a chance to try them yet. That is until now… They’re known for their pick-your-flavor ice cream sandwiches that come in a variety of wild flavors. Since the day was rainy, I decided to opt just for a cup of their ice crea instead of the full sandwich. So what flavor did I pick..? Wait for it.. Candied Fried Chicken and Fried Chicken Caramel ice cream! Oh yes, you heard me correctly. Now THAT is how Coolhaus does ice cream flavors. Let me tell you something too, it was fantastic. Coolhaus, keep doing what you do ;-)

Another successful food fest down! Many more to come!