Oh Hey New Office!

It’s been a BUSY summer! Not so much for adventures, but lots of big changes for my life. On top of moving apartments, we also moved offices last month! Office and apartment move in a week and a half, check! Here’s a look at the new office digs right when we moved in! My boss has a great eye for design! ;-)

This is the main PR room that houses the Account Executives and Interns. I’m obsessed with the chevron wall, which shouldn’t surprise you ;-)

Here’s a look at my office! We’ve tidied up some of the cords since these pics! Cords are so pesky!

We had an extra couch, so walah it’s in the Social Media office! It’s a baby one, but it works perfectly for a nice break from my desk. 

Our office even came with a shower! Funky old NY buildings. No one will probably ever use it, but hey we have the option.

This is the other side of the PR room.

Lots of frames! I came in after the move to help my boss hang everything up, since they were so generous with helping me with my apartment.

This is our little waiting area!

I now realize I uploaded these pics a little out of order! This is a table in the middle space meant for interviews, or eating lunch.

And one final shot a little further back! I didn’t include everything, but think that should give you a good overview! Loving the new space :)