Ready for the New Year!

Anna Osgoodby Life + Design :: Holidays at Home

I’m backkkk! Finally, I know! My holiday blogging break was a little longer than I planned.. The new year hasn’t been very kind to me so far, but I’m hoping that turns around this week! When it rains it pours, right?! Anyways, with the exception of the last few weeks, I had a really wonderful trip back to Washington during my break!

I haven’t really had a trip back recently where I just relaxed with family and this trip was just that. I watched more Hallmark movies with my mom than I care to acknowledge, got some of my favorite food fixes in and made 3 trips to Target. Just a good and solid relaxing trip with the fam bam!

I also got to check out the local movie theatre that plays the Seahawks games on the big screen. It’s free and they have treats and drinks for purchase. Someone had a seriously good idea with that idea — the place was packed!

Onto some of the bites of the trip… Donuts, Red Robin, teriyaki and some amazing mac and cheese from Kelly’s Mercantile.

It should also be noted, this was my dad’s FIRST trip to Oshio’s in Enumclaw. I’m not even sure how that is even possible, but it is.

I also got to catch up with a few of my favorites, Little Duck and Ang! So proud of everything Little Duck is doing! And it was so wonderful to catch up with Angie, who lives in New Zealand now! It’s not often we’re home at the same time so I’m glad I got to see her!

Another great trip home in the books! I got spoiled with a pretty awesome sunrise on my flight out of Seattle too. I mean, check out that view!

After an early morning on the west coast, I made it back to the east coast by the late afternoon, headed home to change and then I was on the go again to go kick-off the New Year!

And that does it for the exciting parts of my blogger break! I’m in the process of kicking some health bugs, but am hoping I’m on the path of recovery and will be back to my usual blogging now! Looking forward to another year together!