Posts tagged dog mom
Must-Have Products for Dog Moms
Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: Must-have Products for Dog Moms | Product Recommendations for Dog Owners | Dog Moms | Dog Owners

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If there’s one title I take very seriously it’s being a dog mom. Scooter took me from dog lover to crazy dog mom and I’ve fully embraced it ever since. Since we adopted a puppy, it has (as expected) brought along more challenges and a lot more messes, if we’re being really honest. So today I’m breaking down some of the products that have made being a dog mom a little easier these days!

Woolite INSTAClean Pet Stain Remover with Oxy

This is hands down the best pet carpet cleaner I’ve used. When we moved into the townhouse, Scoots had some accidents when he’d get stuck upstairs and this carpet cleaner is straight magic. They meant biz when they put “INSTA” clean in the name. It literally gets rid of stains as you spray it. I’ve tried a few others when this has been out of stock and I always go back to this one because it really is the best.

Bissell Turboclean Powerbrush Pet Carpet Cleaner

If you have carpet and pets, this is well worth the investment. Potty training a pup is hard freaking work and even with our best efforts, he’s still had plenty of accidents. This is a stand up carpet spot cleaner which is great because you don’t have to bend over and be on the floor. I debated whether or not I needed this for awhile, but for just under $100 it’s truly saved our carpets and kept that dog smell in our new house away. So glad I decided to pull the trigger and get it!

Spot Cleaner Carpet Cleaners

With the Bissell Turboclean, you’ll need cleaner to put in it and here are the two I recommend the most:

  • Bissell Professional Deep Clean + Oxy: If you’re cleaning the carpets for the first time or they’ve been soiled multiple times, I’d go with this option. I’m a whole-hearted believer in any products with Oxy these days! This cleaner really gets things clean and leaves the carpets smelling fresh too!

  • Bissell Advanced Professional Cleaner: For more regular cleanings, this is also a great option. It helps with urine tracking and also leaves a fresh smell. When I use this one I just feel like I need to go over the carpets a little more than the other option.

Shark Navigator Self-Cleaning Vacuum

Obviously you don’t have to run out and buy a new vacuum just because you have pets, but if you’re in the market this is the one I’d go with! I researched like crazy when we needed a new one and I really LOVED this one because it’s self-cleaning which means it doesn’t get the hair wrap. Which is great for pet hair but I also have long hair so let’s be real, that feature was more for me! I also love this vacuum because it’s really easy to empty and has latches to empty the chamber on both ends.

Dog Pad Holder

I know puppy training pads aren’t everyone’s favorites but I’ve used them with both Benji and Scooter and they’ve saved a lot of messes. The key with them for me is having one of these dog pad holders. This latches them down so puppies can’t just grab them and run off with them and it also serves as another layer of protection for your floors if they use them. This one is nice too because it folds up and can be put away when you aren’t using it or need to travel with it.

Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: Must-have Products for Dog Moms | Product Recommendations for Dog Owners | Dog Moms | Dog Owners

Nail Grinder

I usually go the DIY route when it comes to keeping my dogs’ nails trimmed and this nail grinder has been AWESOME! Yes, all caps worthy. I’ve used clippers before but Benji hasn’t been a fan. I also had a grinder I tried with Scooter but to be frank, it was a piece of junk. This grinder though… actually has power and gets the job done fast! Even with a squirmy puppy. I was impressed. It also has other attachments and a carrying case which is a nice perk.

Walk Right Dog Harness

Benji is a little escape artist so it took us a while to find a harness that he couldn’t get out of. This was our third try and it’s been really great because there are so many spots to adjust it so it fits snug. It also has the option to hook it from underneath which is suppose to help them.. “walk right”. Get it, the name… haha.

I hope you’ve found this post helpful and give me a shout if you have any other things that have been lifesavers for you as a dog mom!