Posts tagged how to work from home
8 Tips for Being more Productive While Working From Home
Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: 8 Tips for Being more Productive While Working From Home

Feeling a little 🤪going into the second week of working from home?! .

First, I 100% know we are apart of the lucky ones who CAN work from home and I'm def not making light of that. I know wayyy too many people on the frontlines who don't have that option. But I also know that this isn't the norm for a lot of you and it hasn't been easy based on all of my friends BLOWING me up on the topic... So I thought I'd share some of the things that have helped me the most over the last 4+ years! Because this IS my life all the time. Well, the working from home part...

Get your Booty Showered & Dressed Each Day

Get your booty up, showered and dressed in the morning. Better yet if you start your morning with a workout to get your blood pumping! Yes, working in your pjs or sweats every day sounds appealing but getting dressed will put you in a work mindset. Trust me!

Keep Your Space Cleaned Up

Clean up your space! Your home is now also your office and having a clean space will help you have a clear mind. You'll be less likely to get distracted by the dishes in the sink.. the pile of mail you need to go through... and whatever else while you're working if your space is cleaned up! I make a point to clean up my office at the end of each workday so it's fresh and ready for me each morning.

Have a Dedicated Workspace

The next one goes hand-in-hand with the last, have a dedicated workspace. It doesn't matter if that's an actual office in your house, desk or your couch... whatever you pick though, that's your spot for when you're working so you can get in the zone. I have an office... so once I leave my office in the evenings I close up shop on work for the day. If you can, try and do the same with your space.

Stick to a Schedule

Try and stick to a schedule. This includes your work hours but also breaks. I have a Fitbit that makes me get up every hour but make sure you're getting up and moving a little. If you have calls, I also recommend walking around while you're on the phone too if you don't have to be tied to your computer.

Stay Hydrated

Maybe it's just me... but when I worked in an office I was SO much better about drinking water. When you start your day, fill up a glass of water and make sure you drink it throughout the day (plus repeat a few more times!). Our brains always work better when we're hydrated!

Use Headphones

Use headphones for calls/video conferences if you can. I just use the ones that came with my iPhone but it makes it so much easier when your hands are free + the sound quality for conferences is wayyy better than just talking into your computer.

Time Block or Use Timers

Try time blocking or using a timer for tasks. If you're easily distracted, planning your day can help you stay on task. You can either break your hours into what you'll be doing during that time or set a timer for an hour or so and see how much you get done in that time. I find when I have a "deadline" even if self-imposed I stay focused and on-task better.

Shutdown your Computer at the end of the Day

Actually shutdown your computer in the evenings! When your work + home life blurs into one space it can be easier to work late. Which sure, some days will call for that but if you can, try and actually shut your computer down at the end of the day.

Clearly I could go on and on about these! Have any others to add or need more ideas? Let me know!