Posts tagged tips for getting through a crisis
7 Tips for Staying Proactive During Times of Crisis and Uncertainty
Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: 7 Tips for Staying Proactive During Times of Crisis and Uncertainty -- Actionable Advice to Keep Your Cool During the COVID-19 Pandemic

I'll be honest. Things feel pretty heavvyyyyyyy right now. Things seem to be night and day this week vs last and all of that uncertainty and worry is causing a lot of stress. Trust me, I feel it. Living in Washington state, we’re pretty much ground zero for the pandemic in the United States and it’s a scary feeling.

I know compared to others I’m really privileged in how the situation is affecting me personally right now, but a lot of the people I love the most are on the frontlines of this and don’t have jobs that they can work from home. People like my mom and some of my best friends who are nurses and are putting their health and their families’ health on the line every day to try and care for others. And others like my Dad, Evan and some of my other friends who are truck drivers, work at distribution centers and grocery stores and are pulling 10-12 hour days around the clock to make sure products and supplies are making it to stores and onto shelves.

We all deal with things differently, but for me, writing has always been one of my outlets of choice. Hence why I have this blog! So today I’m taking you along for my own personal therapy sesh and talking about some of the things I’ve already been (or plan on) doing throughout this crisis. I try and find the light in most things but this is less about finding the positivity in the situation and more about being proactive and taking control over the few things I can.

Having a Daily Check-In

First things first, I’m trying to take things a day at a time. With so much uncertainty I think that’s the only way to get through this. Especially given how fast things have progressed. I’m definitely checking in with my loved ones to see how they are and if I can help with anything as long as I’m in good health. I’m also going to be checking in with myself and how I’m feeling and working through that. What we’re going through is A LOT and sometimes you just need to actually take some time to process and just feel some of those emotions — no matter what they are. It’s easy to try and put a brave face on and push them away but sometimes you really just need to sit in them. Like I mentioned, one of the ways I work through things is writing… either on this blog or journaling. There’s something about writing thoughts out that gives me a release and it always helps calm me down. Sometimes it’s more structured (like this blog post) and other times it’s more of me just writing down all of the thoughts I have. My business partner Mallory also put together another awesome blog post that has a great free worksheet for stress management that helps you talk through things that are stressing you out too, which is another great option. There are a lot of different ways to deal with stress and emotions but I think having a daily check-in of some sort is important right now.

Setting Limits on Coverage and Social Media

I am hyperly tuned into media coverage normally. Working from home, I usually have the TV on all day plus I work in social media, so I’m getting hit with the news from all angles. This weekend, I noticed it was really affecting me so I decided it was time to unplug some. If it’s bothering you too, take a break! Turn it all off and do something else. Having a play-by-play isn’t going to change the outcome and it certainly isn’t going to help your mental health any so don’t be afraid to set those boundaries.

Staying Active

Just because a lot of us are home, doesn’t mean you have to stay glued to the couch! Staying active can not only help boost your immune system to help you stay healthy but it’s also a good distraction. There are a lot of really awesome fitness apps that you can do right from home with minimal equipment too! Here are a few that I have personally used and recommend:

  • Nike Training Club: Created by Nike, this app has a lot of HIIT workouts ranging anywhere from 5 mins-45 mins and they’re tough too! The best part is they have a ton of free options and even workouts from some of your favorite athletes. You can also select the type of equipment needed and targeted workouts too. If you need more options than just the free workouts, they also have a premium option with more selection.

  • Sweat: These workouts will 100% take your mind off of the stress of the world for a good half an hour. I started the BBG program this winter and it has been royally kicking my butt every week since (in a good way). It is a paid app, but they have a week free trial and then it’s pretty affordable if you like it. I love it because it has a set program too that progressively gets harder each week too. Plus there are multiple programs offered.

Beyond at-home workouts, also don’t be afraid to get some fresh air and go for a walk around your neighborhood or at a local park or beach. You can get outdoors while also practicing social-distancing and I promise the fresh air is going to do you well!

Checking Off Lingering Tasks on your To-Do List

We all have tasks on our to-do list that we want to get done eventually but they always get pushed off for more timely tasks. Well, guess what, now is the perfect time to check some of those off your list. You know what I’m talking about things like… Organizing your garage, cleaning out your closet, updating your resume, cleaning up the backyard, or even doing your taxes since so far that hasn’t been postponed. Take a look at the things on your list and spend some of your time checking them off once and for all. If you have kids who are home from school too, maybe you can even talk your family into helping too.

Learning Something New

Have you been itching to take up a new hobby or learn something new? Now could be the time! There are books or Youtube videos on just about everyyyy topic so the sky is the limit on what you could try or learn about. Sure, the libraries may be closed, but if you have a library card take advantage of their ebook and audiobook downloads! We’re talking about free 99 education! If you don’t have a Kindle, you can either read them on your computer or you can also download the Kindle App on your phone too. It’s super convenient. If video is more your jam, then spend some time browsing on Youtube too. I can’t tell you all of the things I’ve taught myself how to do from Youtube…. how to recaulk and regrout a bathtub… Fix a ceiling fan… Different techniques in Photoshop… How to do a fishtail braid… All of the things! Learning something new is a great way to occupy your mind and hey you might find something you’re really into even after things calm down!

Brainstorming New Business Ideas

One of the things keeping me going the most are some of the ideas we’ve been brainstorming at Bold & Pop. Being a business owner, a lot of our careers are uncertain to an extent all of the time but this is certainly uncharted territory. Throughout the ups and downs in our business, we’ve adopted the mindset “panic to proactive”. This basically means, when things start getting stressful we try to flip the script and start brainstorming action-based solutions. Because coming up with new ideas during the unknown is a lot more productive than just panicking! With the stock market tumbling and the talks of a recession following this, we’ve been focused on coming up with ideas for other ways we can serve our audience as well as ways to diversify our income.

Even if you don’t have a business yet, this downtime gives you ample time to brainstorm a side hustle or new business venture you’ve been thinking for a while too. Have you always wanted to have a dog-walking business, how about selling that really awesome jam you make? Or maybe it’s time to finally start on that book or blog you’ve been talking about starting for years. Now is the perfect time to quit just talking about it, and start taking steps to make it happen.

Binge-Watching Some Happy Light-Hearted Shows and Movies

You don’t have to JUST do things that are productive either. For me, I gravitate to those because I feel a sense of accomplishment checking things off or getting lost in a passion project. Sometimes you just need to veg out and relax. Everyone has their own taste, but I’ll more than likely be focused on watching some mindless happy-go-lucky shows or movies. I’m talking… Hart of Dixie, Grace & Frankie, and Frozen II (now that it was released early)… Heck, I may even watch thee T-Swift documentary again!

No matter what you decide to do, hang in there crew and do whatever you can to stay healthy! We likely have a ways to go before life starts feeling normal again but we’re going to get there again so just do the best you can right now!