DIY Trick or Treat :: Bob Ross & a Happy Tree Costumes

Anna Osgoodby Life + Design :: DIY Trick or Treat :: Bob Ross & a Happy Tree Costumes

This time last year, we were in the midst of a Hurricane Sandy lockdown. As you can imagine, safety was kind of the priority last year so we pretty much skipped Halloween celebrations all together. No costumes, no Halloween parties, and not even a carved (or decoupaged) pumpkin! Lucky for us, there were no impending storms this year, in fact the forecast actually brought us temps in the mid 60’s! Needless to say, to make up for lost time last year we had to get into the season this year!

This year,  I ventured into the unknown.. the couple costume! I’ve never done one before, or really had any desire to.. but I saw an idea on Pinterest and had to go for it. Bob Ross and a happy tree! I mean, who didn’t love Bob Ross growing up?

I started by trying to convince Chris to be the tree and I’d be Bob Ross, but he wasn’t feeling it so I decided to be the tree, and of course I had to make it a little more exciting because well, it’s a tree. Michaels was the place to go for this one too — hot glue, leaves, pinecones, and mini birds. Done and done. It took about 4 hours of hot-gluing, but I was pretty happy with how it turned out. 

I had to get into the details too, of course! I completed the costume by making leaf bracelets, a leaf ring, and covering an old pair of Toms in leaves too.

And my headband! I finished the costume off with some pinecones, more leaves and two little birdies to go on my head. I was pretty happy with how it turned out!

Anna Osgoodby Life + Design :: DIY Trick or Treat :: Bob Ross & a Happy Tree Costumes

Now onto Bob Ross, I mean, Chris. He had it much easier.. a wig, palette of paint and a shirt tucked in. I only gave him a few days notice, so the beard wasn’t exactly up to par, but he wouldn’t let me take the eyeliner to his face either so this is as good as we were getting!

And now for the grand finale…. What you’ve all been really waiting for. What Scooter was for Halloween! This year my little weenie dog was a dragon! 

Gotta love Halloween! Hope you all had as much fun celebrating the holiday this year as we did!
